General Instructions:
  • Asterisk(*) fields are compulsory.
  • By filling out this registration form you are taking the first step toward a successful career with us.
  • By registering today, you are committing to take a recorded online assessment, with one of our virtual recruiters, to assess your suitability for a role with us. This interview can either be taken immediately or at a time convenient to you.
  • Good luck! And we hope to see you working with us very soon.

Personal Information


I hereby declare that the information provided herein is true to the best of my knowledge. Any misrepresentation by me will lead to disqualification of my candidature or termination of employment without notice. I also authorize Outer Orbit to send job\recruitment related notifications & updates on my contact number(s) updated with Outer Orbit.
I authorize, Outer Orbit or its 3rd party agency to use this for verification purpose with concerned authorities. I understand and agree that Outer Orbit holds the right to conduct drug test & background check on my professional, educational, and financial background through independent sources. In case background check is negative/ drug test is positive, Outer Orbit to withdraw the offer or terminate my employment with immediate effect. On joining I will submit authentic copies of all certificates, testimonials to support the details mentioned in the form.
I declare that I have not indulged into any means of payment; by way of kinds or cash with any Outer Orbit employee or its representative/affiliates to influence or to consider my employment with Outer Orbit..
I have read and accept the Terms & Conditions